- json:api
- API Design Guide
- A Practical Approach to API Design
- Design and Build Great Web APIs Robust, Reliable, and Resilient - Pragmatic Programmers
- API Katalogen
- Dropbox Developers
- HTTP Status Codes
- Nordic APIs - Our eBooks offer deeper dives into specific topics, consolidating expert opinions and case studies on APIs.
- JSON API - Specification for building APIs in JSON
- Learn REST
- Mashup.se - Allt om APIer och öppna data
# Response Formats
- 👍 JSend - is a specification that lays down some rules for how JSON responses from web servers should be formatted.
- JSON API - A Specification for building APIs in JSON
# APIs
- Country Data
- Github API
- Google API Explorer
- Google Maps
- Numbers API
- Random User Generator
- REST Countries - countries with some additional info
- The Open Movie Database
# Tools
- Documenting Tool for APIs
- httpbin.org - A simple HTTP Request & Response Service.
- Json Generator - Generate random data
- JSON Schema - is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents.