# Animations
- Animate.css -CSS animations library
- Anime.js - Javascript animation engine
- anime-js is a flexible yet lightweight JavaScript animation library.
- Chart.js
- Fluor.js - Sprinkle interactivity on your design
- lightgallery.js - Full featured javascript lightbox gallery, No dependencies.
- Rough Notation - A small JavaScript library to create and animate annotations on a web page
- snapGallery.js
- Viewer.js - JavaScript image viewer.
- CollagePlus - An image gallery plugin for jQuery
# Canvas
- HTML5 Canvas for Humans
- fabric.js provides interactive object model on top of canvas element it also has SVG-to-canvas (and canvas-to-SVG) parser
- Chart.js
- Easel.js
- Highcharts
- imagine.js
- Sketchpad
- Stage.js - a 2D HTML5 JavaScript library for cross-platform game development, it is lightweight, fast and open-source.
- Isomer - an isometric graphics library for HTML5 canvas
- GoJS - Interactive JavaScript Diagrams in HTML
# Color
- Color Hex
- Meyerweb Colorblend
- colr.org - Play with colors and color schemes
- 0to255 - Find color variations
- colourcode
- Spectral
- Adobe Color CC
- Colorblendy
- webcolourdata - Provide URL to get colors
# Diagramming
- 👍 Pinker.js - A standalone JavaScript library for rendering code/class diagrams on your web page.
# Fonts
- Google Fonts
- Fontsquirrel
- Arrows
- BLOKK - For Mockups
# Images & Logos
- Open Logos - free logos for your open source projects
# Icons
- Feather - Simply beautiful open source font icons
- Font Awesome
- Glyph - SVG Icons
- Iconmonstr
- Ionicon
- Material Icons
- Material Design Icons
- Stackicons
# Libraries
- Rough.js - Create graphics with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance
# Misc
- Cropper.js - JavaScript image cropper.
- Subtle Patterns - Backgrounds
- Graphicstock
- Shutterstock
- Unsplash
# Photos
- Pexels - Stock photos and Videos
- D3
- dimple - An object-oriented API for business analytics powered by d3.
- Dashing d3.js - Learn D3
- dexter.io - Simple and powerful syntax to make common charts with minimal code
- NVD3 - Re-usable charts for d3.js
- Plotly.js - A high-level, declarative charting library.
- Textures.js
- Chartist.js - Simple responsive charts.
- jointjs - HTML5 Diagramming
- Snap.svg - The JavaScript SVG library for the modern web
- Circles - Create circular SVG charts
- SvgCircus - A SVG Animations Tool
- unDraw - Free svg illustrations.
- vis.js - A dynamic, browser based visualization library
# Tools
- Adobe Typekit
- befunky Collage Maker
- favicon.cc - Favicon generator
- Compressor.io - Image compressor
- Fontastic
- Fontello - Create custom icon font libs.
- Gimpshop - Free Photoshop alternative
- IcoFX - Icon and cursor editor for Windows
- Icomoon.io
- Inkscape - A professional vector graphics editor
- Jpeg.io - Convert any major image format into a highly optimized JPEG
- Photocollage
- Placehold.it - A quick and simple image placeholder service.
- Unsplash It - Beautiful placeholders using images from unsplash