These have not been actively maintained lately
# Style Guides
# Books
- Angular Basics, free online book
- Build Your Own AngularJS
- ng-book
- The Book on Full-Stack JS Web App TDD
# Repos
# Video
- Angular Fundamentals by Todd Motto
- ng-europe 2015 @ YouTube
- Pluralsight has lots
- AngularJS Basics in 60-ish minutes
- AngularJS YouTube Channel
# Other Useful Sites
- Learn Angular
- AngularUI - The companion suite(s) to the AngularJS framework.
- AngularJS in Patterns
- ng Best Practices
- ng-newsletter
- Year of Moo
- John Papa
- Dan Wahlin
- Todd Motto
- Built With AngularJS
# UI Frameworks
- Covalent - a UI platform built on Angular 2.0 + Material Design
- UI Bootstrap - Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS
- Angular Material - Material design for AngularJS
- AngularStrap - AngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3
- LumX - The first responsive front-end framework based on AngularJS & Google Material Design specifications
- Suave UI is designed for web-applications based on AngularJS. It consists of CSS definitions, directives and services that helps build UI quick and efficiently.
- NativeScript - create native mobile apps using Angular 2.
- XComponents - Create an AngularJS app with Cards and Lists using Bootcards
# Tools
- Batarang is a Chrome Plugin for debugging and profiling AngularJS
- ng-inspector is a browser extension for Chrome, Safari and Firefox that adds an inspector pane to help you develop, debug and understand your AngularJS applications
- gulp-angular-templatecache concatenates and registers AngularJS templates in the $templateCache.
- gulp-ng-annotate - Add angularjs dependency injection annotations with ng-annotate
- angular-hint - Run-time hinting for AngularJS applications
- angular-kickstart - Speed up your AngularJS development with a complete and scalable build system that scaffolds the project for you
You can search for Angular Modules at ngmodules.org
# Data/Communication
- Angular Websocket
- restangular - AngularJS service to handle Rest API Restful Resources properly and easily
- jd-data-angular
- angular-meteor - Build Realtime Web and Mobile Apps With Angular and Meteor
- ngStorage - localStorage and sessionStorage done right for AngularJS.
- angular-storage - A storage library for AngularJS done right
- angular-local-storage - An AngularJS module that gives you access to the browsers local storage with cookie fallback
- AngularFire Angular Firebase library
- dropstore-ng is a set of AngularJS bindings for Dropbox Datastore.
- angular-model-factory makes working with RESTful APIs in AngularJS easy!
# Layout
- angular-deckgrid is a lightweight masonry-like grid for AngularJS.
- Angular Snap.js is an Angular directive for Snap.js
- bg-splitter is a simple pane splitter for angular.js
- syTabs
# Input
- Angular Gauge
- angular-bootstrap-switch
- Angular DateTime Picker
- Angucomplete Alt is a autocomplete directive for AngularJS
- MassAutocomplete - Autocomplete for Angular.js applications with a lot to complete
- Angular-Dragdrop - Drag and Drop for AngularJS
- Angular-Formly - Powerful, flexible, simple forms for Angular
- ngDroplet - Angular.js HTML5 file uploading with drag & drop and image/file preview.
- AngularJS Slider
- Angular-trix is a lightweight angularjs directive for trix editor
- ngTable - Simple table with sorting and filtering on AngularJS
- ng-focus-if is a directive that will trigger focus on an element under specified conditions
- ocModal is an angularJS modal directive & service
- ngDialog
- angular-modal - Simple AngularJS service for creating modals
- angular-modal-service
- lrInfiniteScroll is a module for AngularJS which allow you to attach an event handler to the element when this element has been scrolled almost to its bottom
- ngInfiniteScroll is a directive that you can use to implement infinite scrolling in your AngularJS applications.
- Bootstrap Timepicker
# Lists and Grids
- ngTable
- Angular UI Grid - A data grid for AngularJS; part of the AngularUI suite
- Angular-list-x - Extended List widget for AngularJS and Bootstrap
- angular-table - Angular directive which allows to declare sortable tables and to add pagination with very little effort
# Maps
- gmaps.js - google maps api with less pain and more fun
- angularjs-google-maps - The Simplest AngularJS Google Maps V3 Directive
- Angular Google Maps - AngularJS directives to integrate Google Maps into your applications.
- angular-google-maps-native is a directives for the Google Maps Javascript API using the native way
# Misc Presentation
- Atomic Notify
- angular-carousel - Mobile friendly AngularJS carousel
- ng-notify - A simple, lightweight module for displaying notifications in your AngularJS app.
- angular-breadcrumb - Generate a breadcrumb from ui-router’s states
- ng-Fx
- ngMorph
- AngularJS-ResponsiveCalendar
# Spinners
- Angular Loading Bar - An automatic loading bar using angular interceptors
- ngActivityIndicator - Preloaders provider for Angular.js applications with built-in styles
- Angular-Ladda - An angular directive wrapper for Ladda.
- ngPROGRESS lite - Slim progress bars specially for Angular.js applications.
- ngProgress - A slim, site-wide progressbar for AngularJS
# Charts
- Angular-nvD3 - An AngularJS directive for NVD3 re-usable charting library based on D3
- Angular Chart - Reactive, responsive, beautiful charts for AngularJS based on Chart.js
- angular-charts - Angular directives for creating common charts using d3
- n3-charts - D3 based line charts
- Cammy - A simple orthogonal projection camera built on top of AngularJS and D3.js
- angular morris chart
# Dates and Calendars
# Misc
- angular-file-upload
- UI-Router
- Angular Fx - Angular CSS3 animations and effects for your elements.
- Angular-Translate
- angular-client-side-auth
- ng-clip - Copy to clipboard using AngularJS
- ngclipboard
- AngularHotkeys.js - Configuration-centric keyboard shortcuts for your angular apps
- ngHammer - Angular directives for all touch events handled by hammer.js
- angular-moment - Moment.JS directives for Angular.JS
- angular-filter - Bunch of useful filters for AngularJS
- nzAnimate - A sickly simple animate.css adaptation for Angular animations
- angular-markdown-directive - AngularJS markdown directive using Showdown.js
- angular-pdf-viewer - An AngularJS directive to display PDFs