# CLI/Terminal Emulators
# Communication
# Continuous Integration
- AppVeyor
- Buddy
- CircleCI
- #128077; CodeShip
- Deploy
- GoCD Open source continuous delivery server to model and visualize complex workflows with ease
- Jenkins
- node-build-monitor
- Semaphore
- TeamCity
- #128077; Travis CI
# Design
- Crello - Free Graphics Design Software, Online Photo Editor
# Diagramming
- Lucidchart
- Creately
- Gliffy - Collaborate on flowcharts, org charts, UML, network diagrams & more.
- Draw.io flowchart maker and online diagramming
- Lovely Charts
- mindmeister - Collaborative mind mapping
# Documentation
- Docz - Documentation tool built on Gatsby
- Gitbook - Document Everything! For you, your users and your team.
- #128077; Draft - Hosted markdown-based documentation tool supporting collaboration.
- HUGO - A fast and modern static website engine
- Joplin - An open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities.
- Miro is a collaborative online whiteboard platform designed for remote and distributed teams.
- Mindomo - Collaborative mind maps, concept maps, outlines, and Gantt charts
- #128077; Notable - The Markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck. I use Notable as my #1 tool for ducumentation. It works perfectly on both Windows and *nix using Google Drive to host and sync my Markdown files.
- Notion - Write, plan, collaborate, and get organized. Notion is all you need.
- Vuepress - Vue-powered Static Site Generator
# Wiki
- DocuWiki
- jingo
- Matterwiki - A simple and beautiful wiki for teams
- MDwiki
- Node Wiki
- Scribble
- TiddlyWiki - A non-linear personal web notebook
- Wiki.js - An open source, modern and powerful wiki app built on Node.js, Git and Markdown
- XWiki - XWiki offers a generic platform for developing projects and collaborative applications using the wiki paradigm.
# Editors and IDEs
Check out this fine article on IDEs
Atom - A hackable text editor for the 21st Century
Brackets - Adobe's version of Atom. A modern, open source text editor that understands web design
WebStorm by JetBrains is a lightweight yet powerful IDE, perfectly equipped for complex client-side development and server-side development with Node.js
Nuclide - A unified developer experience for web and mobile development, built as a suite of packages on top of Atom to provide hackability and the support of an active community.
Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
#128077; Visual Studio Code
Xi - Fast, reliable editor for every platform
# Cloud Editors and IDEs
- Cloud9 combines a powerful online code editor with a full Ubuntu workspace in the cloud
- CodePen
- CodeSandbox - An instant IDE and prototyping tool for rapid web development.
- Dabblet
- ES6 Fiddle
- JS Bin
- JS Fiddle
- JSON Editor Online
- Nitrous - Cloud-based code editor with collaboration, one-click installs and snapshots
- Plunker is an online community for creating, collaborating on and sharing your web development ideas
- Repl.it - Run Server-side code in the browser.
- StackBlitz - Create, edit & deploy fullstack apps
# Fotmatters and Linters
# Graphics
# Hosting
- #128077; Digital Ocean
- Heroku
- linode
- Netlify
- now - World-Class Static Hosting
# Logistics
# Misc
- Latitude and Longitude Finder
- Outline - Team wiki, documentation, meeting notes, playbooks, onboarding, work logs, brainstorming, & more…
- Confluence by Atlassian
- Igloo
- mailtrap - is a test mail server solution that allows testing email notifications without sending them to the real users
- ManicTime - Time tracker
- Tad - Tad is a free (MIT Licensed) desktop application for viewing and analyzing tabular data.
- Visualping Monitor webpages
- Forestry - Sync your Jekyll, Hugo or VuePress site.
# Monitoring and Analytics
# Presentations
- Bespoke.js - DIY Presentation Micro-Framework
- Blazon - create, deliver, maintain, and share beautiful technical presentations
- Pretzi
- Slides - creating, presenting and sharing slide decks.* Swipe is an online tool for creating presentations using Markdown.
- Slidr.io - Hassle free slidedeck hosting (pdf)
- Speaker Deck -
# Project-/Issue Tracking
- Flow
- ClubHouse
- DaPulse
- Flow
- FogBugz
- Jira by Atlassian
- Mindomo - Collaborative mind maps, concept maps, outlines, and Gantt charts
- YouTrack by JetBrains
- Trello
- Basecamp
- Pivotal Tracker
- Asana for handling projects and tasks without email
- HuBoard
- Libreboard is an Open Source Kanban board
- Matterhorn
- BamBam
- VivifyScrum
- Wrike
- LiquidPlanner
- Leankit
- Flowdock seems to do similar things.
# Prototyping
- Adobe XD -
- axure - Powerful Prototyping and Developer Handoff
- balsamiq
- Marvel
- MockFlow - Brainstorm user interface ideas
- Mockingbird
- Moqups
- UXPin - Collaborative UX Design for Product Teams
- Vaadin Designer
# Schedulers
- Doodle -
- Rundeck job scheduler
- Mindomo - Collaborative mind maps, concept maps, outlines, and Gantt charts
- GitKraken
- Meld - Free diffing tool
- Sourcetree
# Static Site builders
# Testing
- Insomnia - Powerful HTTP toolbelt, in one intuitive app